may you all be filled with joy and
blessed with health and love.
Monday, December 31, 2007
New Year
Posted by Amy at 12/31/2007 0 comments
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Christmas Card Letter
December 11, 2007
Dearest Family & Friends;
It’s that time of the year again. I hope this finds everyone all warm and well. It’s been a wild year for me. I have begun to talk really well and my words are a lot bigger so be ready for a long letter.
January- Hmm, There wasn’t a lot for me to do cause it was cold outside. But I did play with all my new presents I got from Santa. Mom was sick and having problems with her gallbladder.
February- Was a big month for me. Mom had surgery on the 7th. I was very sick on Valentines Day and couldn’t even enjoy my chocolates I got from mom and dad,
I couldn’t even lift my head so mom and dad took me to the new Monroe Hospital in Bloomington what a great place. They ran test and told mom and dad I had this thing called RSV. So after some medicine I got to go home. But when I didn’t seem to be getting better mom and dad took me back on Feb 16 and well it had gotten worse
I was admitted into Monroe Hospital and was there for 6 days. Have I mentioned I love that place, they treated me and mom like kings and queens. After 6 days I got to go home but had to continue doing breathing treatments for 3 more weeks.
March- The best month I was turned 2 in Tennesse. Mom and Dad took me to Gatlinburg Tennessee for my birthday.. I had a blast we went to a lot of places the Aquarium, Patriots Park, and walked and looked at lots of shops. But do you know what happened when you turn 2, don’t tell mom cause she thinks I am still a little boy but I can understand everything she says. I really like it when she tells me to pick up my toys and I can ignore her. Its becoming funny all the things I can not listen to she says I am just like every man and only hear what I want. When we returned I had to have tubes put in my ears March 30. I have had a lot of ear infections since I was little and so now my ears are doing a little better. I gave mom a scare one morning my ear was bleeding and after going to the dr we found out I had a busted ear drum but it has now healed itself and I am doing better. I heard mom talking about having a birthday party for me next March. She cries sometimes cause I am getting bigger. I will be 3 and that’s big.
April- wasn’t a great month my great grandpa Pa Crabb got sick.
May- was even worse – Mom says Pa Crabb is up in heaven watching over me
June- Mom and dad were married 4 years
July- I watched fire works and loved them
August- can’t remember anything big for this month
September- Mom turned the big 29 and she is really sad to turn 30- she cried about getting old. We also went to Holiday World and I got to do a lot of things next year I will be taller and can ride more things.
October- Halloween was fun I got 3 Halloween costumes. A horse, dragon and a chicken. I was the dragon. Mom said I will no longer get to pick out more than one. We didn’t go but to my grandparents because I hadn’t been feeling well. My grandma got sick with breast Cancer.
November- Thanksgiving was great. I ate a lot of food and ended up getting a big belly
I helped mom put up our Christmas tree and our lights outside. Getting close to Christmas. My grandma had surgery for her cancer.
December- Christmas is coming fast and I love Santa Claus. I went and seen him on Saturday night and can you believe he knew my name. This year I was a big boy and sat on his lap by myself. There are lots of toys under the tree so I can’t wait until it is time to open them all. Dad also will turn 39. He is almost 40 and mom says better him than her.
Most of all I am thankful for all I have and all I have been blessed with in my life. Mom says that some children are not spoiled like me and don’t have nearly all the stuff I do, and some kids don’t have as many people love them as I do. I know all of you love me and I thank you for being in my life. I love you all too.
Oh I almost forgot the most important think that has happened this year.
I have a girlfriend named Megan, she now lives with us and she sleeps in my room, she doesn’t go to school, doesn’t cook, doesn’t clean. She does have a tattoo and she likes to talk on the phone all the time, and she likes to dance. The funny thing is we can be going somewhere and she will decide to stay at home and she will just appear in our vehicle.
When you try to help her get dressed she likes to move and people tend to sit on her. She is 3. Mom and dad tell me she needs to move back in with her parents but she doesn’t want to go back. She does fit in the palm of my hand.
I hope everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas, and remember leave cookie and milk out for Santa. Have a Safe and Happy New Year.
I love all of you.
Posted by Amy at 12/13/2007 0 comments
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
New pictures of AJ
This is a tractor my Papaw Crabb made AJ fell in love with it
Posted by Amy at 10/03/2007 0 comments
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
R.I.P. Little Pippy
Posted by Amy at 7/26/2007 0 comments
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
County Fair
Well its fair time. Oh, how I love to see people you haven't seen since the previous year, and we have now came too terms with we will be living at the fairgrounds the week the fair is going once AJ gets old enough to join 4H. He loved walking thru the horse, cow, pigs, sheep, goats and poultry barns. We have a few friends that show pigs and cows. Its very funny to see the reactions of children who don't get to see these animals. AJ is blessed and gets to see his horse, mule, cow, pigs and rabbits daily.
So we will have a 4her in the house showing rabbits, pigs, cows and I hope not horses.
We are going back tonight for him to ride rides.
I will try and get pictures.
Posted by Amy at 7/25/2007 0 comments
Monday, July 16, 2007
Friday, July 6, 2007
Thinking of papaw
Losing Papaw Crabb has been a hard thing on everyone I am sure but for me, I find myself thinking of him almost daily as I look around my house and outside the house and find things he has made for us. It really came all to sudden and it has defiently took its toll on our family. I know it will eventually get easier but when. I was thinking the other day I needed to call papaw and ask him a question, when he first got sick he had called and got me the answer and told me but for some reason I didn't remember that until later. I often thought it was hard to walk in the hospital room and make jokes with him, like on lunch one day I went up there and well he was going to turn the tv on when I walked in the room and I said why are you turning that on I am here now you don't need it. I often joked about him not eating at home and having to come to the hospital to eat there "wonderful " food.
Now I would give anything to be able to walk in that hospital room and make a joke, or call him and tell him about AJ. I can guarantee Papaw Crabb lives in AJ everyday when he says tutuloo numerous times to his pa. I must say naming him after dad and papaw crabb was the one of the best things I have done what a great honor for AJ...
Kaleb Schwade looks to be getting to come home, for all of those who don't know Kaleb and his family you need to look his myspace page... He is 7 months old and from Tampa Flordia he has shaken baby syndrome, from his baby sitter. He is doing better. Pray for that family.
I suppose that is all for today.
Posted by Amy at 7/06/2007 0 comments
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Vacation & 4 years
Hello everyone....
It seems vacation always flies by. Last week was a wonderful week with enjoying AJ and spending time with my mom. It seems that doesn't happen alot anymore, so it was definetly nice to be able to do a few things with her.
AJ seems to have grwon over night, he now can complete a sentence and carry on a converstation with you without just a simple yes or no.
We spent one day in the pool which was Thursday what a fun day for us, AJ got tired and we was on a lounge chair crusing the pool when he decided to fall asleep, grabbing the towel on the side of the pool I covered him up as to not get him sun burnt, and low and behold I to fell asleep but without a towel over me..
Which left my legs burnt, burnt but you could tell where Aj was sitting on my lap and laying on my shoulder. LOL but he wasn't burnt so that was a relief.
Now on Thursday which was the swimming pool day was Brad and my 4 year anniversary..
WOW, for all of you who thought it was just a rush decision hah, for everyone who had faith thank you.
It is a great accomplishment as it is the longest I have ever been married. LOL since it is my FIRST and ONLY marriage. Till this day Brad still does things that amazes me how wonderful he is and to this day he still does things he knows better than to do. LOL
And to this day he still does things that he has been told about numerous times, I asked him about it and he said that he knows one day he won't get in trouble for it, or it will just slide right past me. FAT CHANCE BUDDY.
We have been invited to a fireman's ball and I am excited yet have nothing to wear. Can you imagine my husband taking me to a ball. LOL Speaking of firemen, my cousin was a fire fighter who died fighting the fire in south carolina... Mark Kelsey. I would like to say that he had a hero's farewell and I know his family has to be honored and atonished at the 5-6,000 people who showed up...
But it hits home, my friend Jen- her husband is a fireman. They have 2 boys and a daughter and it makes you think of them at this time also and pray for the safety of her husband and their dad as he fights fires.
So basically that was my last week, oh I do have a few farm pictures I will have to get up and going for you all to see...
That will be soon promise..
Posted by Amy at 6/27/2007 0 comments
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
A balloon fell from the sky
I have been wanting to write about this for a few days but have been rather busy with getting ready for a yard sale and Brad helping his friend bale hay and all. But, the other day it was like the 8th AJ and I were coming up our drive and with the pigs being at the pond in front of the house we always come to a stop so AJ can say hi or bye, and on this day AJ kept saying mom blue, well I thought he was talking about the horse Boo because he isn't always easy to understand when he gets excited. So I thought Brad had gotten boo out of the field and brought him up front for AJ but I didn't see Brad or the horse. He kept saying it blue, blue so as we stopped to see the pigs. We got out cause AJ was so excited and he isn't running towards the pigs pen he is running in the yard the other direction. I see he is bending down and thought what in this world.. AS he comes running back towards me draggin a string with a balloon on the end.
He was saying balloon. I thought how in the world would a balloon be in our yard he hasn't had any. Well as he hands it to me there is a tag at the end of the balloon saying it was a boy scout balloon release and that if it was found to please the tag back to this boy scout.
Now just a few days prior to this I was watching the news about a boy sending a balloon and Queen Elizabeth had gotten it and wrote him a letter. LOL I am by NO means a queen to the world but I am at my house. So I went and bought a card and have mailed it out. Hopefully we will hear from him which I included our blog site address so maybe he can find out a little about where it landed. On our small farm.
So here is a little hello from the Kelley Farm to Nick.
I remember hoping when I sent a balloon when I was little it would be returned, I also remember going to Florida and sending a message in a bottle hoping someone would write me back. LOL but never got a response from either. So hopefully this makes Nick happy and he will remember someone responded.
PLUS I wasn't having such a great day so it just goes to show things happen for a reason.
Posted by Amy at 6/13/2007 2 comments
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
This is what cookies will do to your teeth. He got these out of a bubble gum machine and he had been eating cookies. His teeth DO NOT look like this. LOL
Posted by Amy at 6/06/2007 0 comments
Old Mc AJ had a farm

After building fence, feeding, watering and him bathing he just sleeps sitting up.
Posted by Amy at 6/06/2007 0 comments
This is the first time AJ sat in the chair. As soon as I found out I was having a boy, I told Papaw Crabb we needed a time out chair and papaw made him one with a tractor on it.
This is AJ sitting in his time out chair (he isn't in time out) 5-6-07. He loves this chair..
Posted by Amy at 6/06/2007 0 comments
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Hi friends and family...
Here is the rough draft of what I keep threatening to do if Brad OR anyone else gets, or gives us any more animals....
is hosting a petting zoo between the hours of 5-8
on ????? day.
Animals that will be included in the petting zoo will be
4 pigs, that you can get in the pen with and chase
1 mule,
1 pony that is available to be rode without a saddle
2 rabbits,
2 cats,
6 dogs and
a hermit crab
Contest will includepig riding, speedest dog bath, and find the prize in the dog poo (shovels & disposal location included)
The cost is well how can I put this....Each family needs to bring 1- 50 lb dog food, 1-20lb cat food, 1-20lb of rabbit food, 1-50lb bag of sweet stuff (horse and pigs), and a hermit crab sponge..
Now for the legal matters----
we are not responsible for pig poop on shoes,
mule kicks,
when the pony bends down to eat grass, the over the neck drop
rabbit bites,
cat hair on anything
dog bites,
pinches from the hermit crab
orany other accidents not stated
Posted by Amy at 5/23/2007 0 comments
Friday, May 18, 2007
10 years
Graduation is approaching for the class of 2007, and I can't help but think back to 10 years ago when I was in the graduating class of 1997. Looking back it can seem forever ago, and then again it almost seems like yesterday. I wonder all the time about what if's and what could have been and seem to think this is not what I thought I would have been doing or where I would be in life.
Losing a classmate and best friend in 2000 was what I thought to be the end of the world, but after a very difficult few years I met my husband and now have a wonderful son who is the light of my life.
I know that when and if the 10 year reunion happens that it will bring up alot of feelings that are going to be beyond my control and I know that there are alot of people who I can't wait to see and others who always thought they were better than everyone else. I have learned that everyday life to an extent is like high school, the rumors still happen, the backstabbing still happens, and it just gets worse the older you get.
True friends are truely hard to find I have been in contact with a few from school and I can say that there is one friend who I now have that in school we were both believed to have hated one another only to find out neither one of us hated the other. I have apologized to her and I hope that I will get to see her and her family in person other than in pictures.
I think we need to have a friends reunion, just the close group I was in in high school, how I long hear about their lives, family and every day journeys. It's been a bad few months and I can't thank my friends enough for the encouragement and the help they have given me. Since getting married in 2003 it has been a rocky, curvy road for me but we are stomping and beating down that horrible path to clear the way for our son. We will have soon be able to say we made it through hell and back.
So to the class of 2007 stand strong, keep in touch and good luck.
Posted by Amy at 5/18/2007 0 comments
Friday, May 4, 2007
Newest Angel in Heaven
Papaw Crabb earned his angel wings at about 3 this morning. It is with a heavy heart that I share this news but I'm rejoicing the fact that he is pain free. He is flying high among the clouds, or else he is riding tractors around heaven. Thanks for all who has prayed for a painless, quick journey. For it is not good bye papaw but just tutuloo for now.
Posted by Amy at 5/04/2007 0 comments
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Life and Death
With Papaw Crabb being diagnosed April 3 with lung cancer and them giving him a year with treatment, too now here it is May 1 and looking at hours, maybe days, we (I) start to questions God and his motives.
I know you are not to question GOD and I know that we can't help the circle of life but why are we over joyed at a birth and saddened at a death. I guess with only being around a few I consider myself lucky but then again can we say that is lucky.
I have asked for prayers for Papaw and that he doesn't experience any pain and that he has a quick journey to heaven. You know how when you are young and it seems that your grandparents were old then and they would always be there. Well that is how I see papaw, and knowing he won't has made me upset in taking things for granite on telling people how much they mean to you and thanks for helping you with things.
This world is losing a wonderful man, but heaven is gaining a precious angel.
So I question things about cancer and why is there not a cure, and will they ever find a cure.
Cancer is a beast and it is becoming more and more commen in everyone - children, men and women of all ages. Please pray for all who are effect by this nasty beast.
As an older friend used to say before his passing
Thanks for Listening.
Posted by Amy at 5/01/2007 1 comments
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Happy Birthday, BJ 4-18-07
Happy 5th Birthday BJ we miss seeing you but we haven't forgot your birthday. We will see you on Sunday.
Your a special boy who really deserves a wonderful party.
AJ misses his buddy so much, ther is 3 years between them but man you would never guess it when they are together, they are truelly 2 peas in a pod.
Posted by Amy at 4/12/2007 0 comments
Happy Birthday, Blaine 4-15-07
Happy Birthday Girl... I know things have been going on with both of us and we have seperated a bit. I want you to know I haven't forgotten you and that we will get back to talking everyday and seeing each other again.
Your a wonderful friend sending me comments, and messages to give me a smile. I seem to be needed them and you always know when I do need them. Thanks.
I love you and I hope you have a wonderful birthday.
Posted by Amy at 4/12/2007 0 comments
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Monday, April 9, 2007
An angel among us
I am sure that most of you have guessed by the heading that we now have an angel among us. I can't even express to Austin's family the sympathy I have for them. My broken heart can't compare to theirs and I just pray for the pain to be eased.
Austin reminded me so much of AJ as they were only 2 weeks apart. I hoped to one day meet Austin and his family but as the distance plays a small part. Austin is now dancing upon the clouds pain free, flying high among everyone he has touched in his life.
Please pray for the Akin Family and send you love their way.
Thanks for reading.
Posted by Amy at 4/09/2007 0 comments
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Fly Austin Fly
Posted by Amy at 4/08/2007 0 comments
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Dedicated to Austin and Elizabeth
Dearest Austin,
For a now 2 year old, who I have never met, you have become my own little hero. You are so brave in everything you have gone through. With the distance between us it has caused meeting you a problem but with my heart the distance hasn't made a difference. I have fell in love with you. Being 2 week younger than AJ. I feel like you are part of my family also. You have thought me to always fight now matter how hard. Your truely an angel on earth and I know that your mom and dad are the luckiest people in the world to get to have you in their life each and everyday. There isn't a day I don't think about you and I will continue to think about you and your mom everyday forever.
Thank you Elizabeth for letting everyone be apart of his life for it has made me a better person to be able to get to read about him, and know that he is the strongest little man I will ever met.
MY love to you and your family as this time can't even be imagined to anyone who hasn't been in these shoes. May God give you the strength to get through this and give you the time to spend with Austin.
We all love you.
Posted by Amy at 4/05/2007 0 comments
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Needed Prayers
AJ and I have befriended the wonderful AKIN family in San Antonio, TX and their little boy Austin just turned 2 on April 2 he has had a rough time in his 2 years. He is also fighting cancer and on his birthday they did a ct scan and the results are not good. They are keeping him confortable and he will stay in the hospital.
My prayers are to please keep both papaw and Austin pain free and to please be with them and their families during these difficult times. Here is a picture of beautiful Austin.
Posted by Amy at 4/04/2007 1 comments
Labels: Prayers