Hello everyone....
It seems vacation always flies by. Last week was a wonderful week with enjoying AJ and spending time with my mom. It seems that doesn't happen alot anymore, so it was definetly nice to be able to do a few things with her.
AJ seems to have grwon over night, he now can complete a sentence and carry on a converstation with you without just a simple yes or no.
We spent one day in the pool which was Thursday what a fun day for us, AJ got tired and we was on a lounge chair crusing the pool when he decided to fall asleep, grabbing the towel on the side of the pool I covered him up as to not get him sun burnt, and low and behold I to fell asleep but without a towel over me..
Which left my legs burnt, burnt but you could tell where Aj was sitting on my lap and laying on my shoulder. LOL but he wasn't burnt so that was a relief.
Now on Thursday which was the swimming pool day was Brad and my 4 year anniversary..
WOW, for all of you who thought it was just a rush decision hah, for everyone who had faith thank you.
It is a great accomplishment as it is the longest I have ever been married. LOL since it is my FIRST and ONLY marriage. Till this day Brad still does things that amazes me how wonderful he is and to this day he still does things he knows better than to do. LOL
And to this day he still does things that he has been told about numerous times, I asked him about it and he said that he knows one day he won't get in trouble for it, or it will just slide right past me. FAT CHANCE BUDDY.
We have been invited to a fireman's ball and I am excited yet have nothing to wear. Can you imagine my husband taking me to a ball. LOL Speaking of firemen, my cousin was a fire fighter who died fighting the fire in south carolina... Mark Kelsey. I would like to say that he had a hero's farewell and I know his family has to be honored and atonished at the 5-6,000 people who showed up...
But it hits home, my friend Jen- her husband is a fireman. They have 2 boys and a daughter and it makes you think of them at this time also and pray for the safety of her husband and their dad as he fights fires.
So basically that was my last week, oh I do have a few farm pictures I will have to get up and going for you all to see...
That will be soon promise..
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Vacation & 4 years
Posted by Amy at 6/27/2007 0 comments
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
A balloon fell from the sky
I have been wanting to write about this for a few days but have been rather busy with getting ready for a yard sale and Brad helping his friend bale hay and all. But, the other day it was like the 8th AJ and I were coming up our drive and with the pigs being at the pond in front of the house we always come to a stop so AJ can say hi or bye, and on this day AJ kept saying mom blue, well I thought he was talking about the horse Boo because he isn't always easy to understand when he gets excited. So I thought Brad had gotten boo out of the field and brought him up front for AJ but I didn't see Brad or the horse. He kept saying it blue, blue so as we stopped to see the pigs. We got out cause AJ was so excited and he isn't running towards the pigs pen he is running in the yard the other direction. I see he is bending down and thought what in this world.. AS he comes running back towards me draggin a string with a balloon on the end.
He was saying balloon. I thought how in the world would a balloon be in our yard he hasn't had any. Well as he hands it to me there is a tag at the end of the balloon saying it was a boy scout balloon release and that if it was found to please the tag back to this boy scout.
Now just a few days prior to this I was watching the news about a boy sending a balloon and Queen Elizabeth had gotten it and wrote him a letter. LOL I am by NO means a queen to the world but I am at my house. So I went and bought a card and have mailed it out. Hopefully we will hear from him which I included our blog site address so maybe he can find out a little about where it landed. On our small farm.
So here is a little hello from the Kelley Farm to Nick.
I remember hoping when I sent a balloon when I was little it would be returned, I also remember going to Florida and sending a message in a bottle hoping someone would write me back. LOL but never got a response from either. So hopefully this makes Nick happy and he will remember someone responded.
PLUS I wasn't having such a great day so it just goes to show things happen for a reason.
Posted by Amy at 6/13/2007 2 comments
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
This is what cookies will do to your teeth. He got these out of a bubble gum machine and he had been eating cookies. His teeth DO NOT look like this. LOL
Posted by Amy at 6/06/2007 0 comments
Old Mc AJ had a farm

After building fence, feeding, watering and him bathing he just sleeps sitting up.
Posted by Amy at 6/06/2007 0 comments
This is the first time AJ sat in the chair. As soon as I found out I was having a boy, I told Papaw Crabb we needed a time out chair and papaw made him one with a tractor on it.
This is AJ sitting in his time out chair (he isn't in time out) 5-6-07. He loves this chair..
Posted by Amy at 6/06/2007 0 comments