Monday, August 25, 2008
Illinois Pictures
Posted by Amy at 8/25/2008 0 comments
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Well looks like August has arrived. Back to school for some, and a break for the parents. Right Jen? So Christmas planning will be shortly underway. Or in my case has already started. I continue to buy things after Christmas the year before to get a jump on things. The problem I would always face was forgetting where I put the items. LOL
So Brad and I have came up with a game plan. We have totes and we have started putting things I have bought for the family and the kids in these totes so at christmas time all I have to do it wrap and tag. I have found gifts I was supposed to give for Christmas the year before and then end up handing them out as birthday presents. It seems my mom and Erica are the ones that end up not getting the items. I have also made the mistake of writting mom on the tag and not knowing if was for Brads mom or my mom. So I have figured that out also. My name goes first on my moms gifts and brads name goes first on his moms gifts. Until I forget that also. I guess I could put first initials.
So July was a wonderful month. Brad, AJ and I went to Holiday World. Its been an every year thing for the 3 of us to do since AJ was born in 2003. Granite he wasn't very big to do anything then but he went. I will upload pictures later. AJ has been in love with water slides since we went to Rockford, Illinois a few months back. Needless to say we got to spend almost all day at the Splashin' Safari.
August started out with a bang. I started selling Longaberger. I hope it goes well, a little nervous due to me not being one to venture out and not knowing alot of people. I can have orders on my website if you are interested let me know and I can send you the website.
Well, enjoy August. Love to you all
Posted by Amy at 8/06/2008 2 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
July Babbling
So the middle of July has, so a little over 6 months till christmas.... OKAY don't shoot me now but seriously where does time go? AJ turned 3 this year and I was pregnant I thought he would never get here, then after he was born I thought it would be forever till he turned 1 then 2 then behold 3. He has grown so much in the past year, not only tall wise but by talking and expressing himself.
We have accomplished the potty training! Its so great to watch him grow but also it saddens me to know that as he grows we are also growing and as he gets older we to get older. The big 30 will be here in a few months and as I look back on different things throughout my life, I wonder if the next 30 will be better or worse. Granite I don't want to think about when I am 60...
I told Brad I think this is worse than turning 25 which was horrible then but now I see as I got older those passed 5 years I have become a wife and a mom. What better things in the world.
The most awesome thing in this world I have done is have AJ and the most rewarding. I love it in the morning to hear him say I love you mom and at night to hear him say I love you mom.
I reached the 5 year mark last month with Brad. Wow did anyone see that coming? What a great accomplishment to be married for 5 years when you hear about couples splitting up all the time.
Also I find it harder that Erica is moving on, almost 21, and will be moving to her own apartment. Even though it is some what close she will not be home like before. To remember me graduating and her being in the 3rd grade. I never thought she would graduate not alone move out and go to college.
Since getting married we have grown apart a little but I would still go to the ends of the earth for her and will do anything to help her. I hope she knows that and realizes how proud of her I am.
AJ will be devestated not gettting to see her often.
What a half year it has been and what a half year to come.. Hopefully 2009 will be another wonderful year...
Posted by Amy at 7/16/2008 0 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Vegas Pictures
Me at Red Rock Canyon
Me at Red Rock Canyon
Coyote Ugly
Worlds Largest Nugget
Pilot ready to leave Vegas Airport
Posted by Amy at 6/05/2008 1 comments
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Well the time has come. I am heading to Vegas on Sunday and will be returning home on the Wednesday. I am anxious yet dreading being away from AJ.
The hardest thing, is being away from him. I have done things in preperation for him staying with my mom and knowing I love him and am thinking about him.
Brad being away alot I am so afraid he will think both his parents have just up and left.
There is a total of 5 going from our office and a secretary from another local who just had a kidney transplant about 2 months ago. So the 5 from our office includes my dad, and my cousin, me and 2 other guys We will be heading to the Hoover dam when we arrive out there on Sunday.
I am anxious to see this piece of history. Should be interesting to see the strip and getting to see the city that never sleeps. The way I feel now I will be sleeping. LOL
SO I will post pictures when I return. LOVE TO YOU ALL.
Posted by Amy at 5/15/2008 0 comments
Monday, April 28, 2008
Saturday's Day off pampering
Mom took these pictures of me....

Posted by Amy at 4/28/2008 0 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Vote for AJ's B ag
AJ designed a Kroger Bag. Check it out and vote.
Posted by Amy at 4/23/2008 0 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
Party pictures take 2
Air compressor
Thanks granny & pa
Shooten the gun
Backhoe from us
Redneck city, shooten critters and diggin a hoe.
Posted by Amy at 4/18/2008 0 comments