Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Life and Death

With Papaw Crabb being diagnosed April 3 with lung cancer and them giving him a year with treatment, too now here it is May 1 and looking at hours, maybe days, we (I) start to questions God and his motives.
I know you are not to question GOD and I know that we can't help the circle of life but why are we over joyed at a birth and saddened at a death. I guess with only being around a few I consider myself lucky but then again can we say that is lucky.

I have asked for prayers for Papaw and that he doesn't experience any pain and that he has a quick journey to heaven. You know how when you are young and it seems that your grandparents were old then and they would always be there. Well that is how I see papaw, and knowing he won't has made me upset in taking things for granite on telling people how much they mean to you and thanks for helping you with things.

This world is losing a wonderful man, but heaven is gaining a precious angel.

So I question things about cancer and why is there not a cure, and will they ever find a cure.
Cancer is a beast and it is becoming more and more commen in everyone - children, men and women of all ages. Please pray for all who are effect by this nasty beast.

As an older friend used to say before his passing
Thanks for Listening.


Jennifer Beaver said...

At times like this I am often reminded of the story in the Bible where the blind man wonders, "Why me?" The response is- so God can receive the glory. It's hard for us to understand, but if He receives the glory, every bit of it is worth it. I will be praying for your grandpa and that his pain can be kept away as well as for your hurt!

On a lighter note, I'm tagging you. Check out my blog for the directions!